Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Tutor with Orton Gillingham certification for students with LBLD

Hope Graham Program at Bancroft School in Worcester, Massachusetts, seeks independent tutors to work with students in Lower and Middle schools with Language Based Learning Differences. Building upon Bancroft’s commitment to nurture, respect, and educate diverse learners, the Hope Graham Program (HGP) at Bancroft School is designed for students with diagnosed language-based learning differences (LBLD) or dyslexia in grades two through eight. Students in the program receive individual and small group tutoring during the school day. Tutors with knowledge and experience in Orton Gillingham methodology and a flexible schedule are preferred.

If interested, please email your credentials and references to Jyoti Datta and Candace Anderson.


Pre-K through Class 2 Academic Support/Reading Specialist

Dexter Southfield seeks candidates for a position as an academic support/reading specialist for Pre-K through Class 2. The position starts as soon as filled and may be part time or full time, depending on candidates’ availability. Candidates should complete the application found at http://www.dextersouthfield.org/userfiles/files/about/employment/Employment-Application.pdf and send it with a cover letter and current resume to Stewart Tucker, Assistant Head of School, stucker@dextersouthfield.org.

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