CT Dyslexia Legislation

Adds the requirement, on and after July 1, 2018, any (1) certified employee applying for a comprehensive special education or integrated early childhood and special education endorsement, or (2) applicant for an initial, provisional or professional educator certificate and a comprehensive special education or integrated early childhood special education endorsement shall have completed a program of study in the diagnosis and remediation of reading and language arts that includes supervised practicum hours and instruction in the detection and recognition of, and evidence-based structured literacy interventions for, students with dyslexia, as defined in section 10-3d. Find full text of Public Act 17-3 HERE.

Public Act 16-92, adds the requirement, on and after July 1, 2017, for any (1) certified employee applying for a remedial reading, remedial language arts or reading consultant endorsement, or (2) applicant for an initial, provisional or professional educator certificate shall have completed a program of study in the diagnosis and remediation of reading and language arts that includes supervised practicum hours and instruction in the detection and recognition of, and evidence-based structured literacy interventions for, students with dyslexia, as defined in section 10-3d. Find full text of Public Act 16-92 HERE.

Public Act 15-97, (1) Directs the Commissioner of Education to designate an employee of the Department of Education to provide information to parents and BOE regarding Dyslexia and defines Dyslexia as set forth in Department of Education’s IEP Manual and Forms HERE; (2) Enhances P.A. 14-39 by adding “not fewer than twelve clock hours of instruction” to Dyslexia pre-service teacher curriculum; (3) Adds Dyslexia in-service teacher professional development; and (4) Directs the Department of Education to develop or approve a reading assessment for use by local BOE, which includes “identifying, in whole or in part, students at risk for dyslexia . . . or other reading-related learning disabilities”. Find full text of Public Act 15-97 HERE.

Public Act 14-39 Section 1, amends the Individualized Education Program Form to include “Specific Learning Disability/Dyslexia” as a Primary Disability; and Section 2, adds Dyslexia detection, recognition and evidenced-based interventions to programming for teacher preparation leading to Certification. HB 5562 was used as a vehicle to drive through additional legislation and the remainder of the Bill is unrelated to dyslexia. Find full text of Public Act 14-39 HERE.

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