Red Flags for Reading Difficulties

Red Flags for Reading Difficulties

Excerpts from, “The Dyslexia Puzzle”… (Kaufman and Hook, 1998)
“Characteristics of students with dyslexia change over time, depending on the grade level and/or stage of reading that the individual has reached. The following are some signs of dyslexia at different grade levels:”

Pre K & Kindergarten

  • Delay in Talking
  • Difficulty recognizing and producing rhymes
  • Difficulty remembering rote information, such as letter names
  • Difficulty remembering or following directions

Grades 1-3

  • Difficulty with sound/symbol correspondence (/a/, as in apple)
  • Confusion with letters that look alike ( b/d/p, w/m, h/n, f/t)
  • Confusion with letters that have similar sounds ( d/t, b/p, f/v)
  • Difficulty remembering common sight words (was, the, and, she)
  • Problems segmenting words into sounds (cat – /k/ /a/ /t/)
  • Difficulty blending individual sounds to make words
  • Reading and spelling errors that indicate difficulty sequencing sounds ( blast -> blats)
  • Omission of grammatical endings when reading and writing ( -s, -ed, -ing)
  • Difficulty remembering spelling of words over time

Grades 4-8

  • Significant difficulty reading and spelling multisyllabic/longer words (Ex. Omits whole syllables)
  • Reduced awareness of word structure (prefix, roots, and suffixes)
  • Frequent misreading of common sight words
  • Difficulty learning new information from text because of word reading errors
  • Difficulty understanding text because of underlying oral language problems with vocabulary and/or grammar
  • Significant difficulty writing, due to spelling and organization problems
  • Slow rate of reading

HS, College, Adult

  • Continued difficulty with word recognition that significantly affects acquisition of knowledge and ability to analyze written material
  • Slow rate of reading
  • Continued difficulty with spelling and written composition
  • Difficulty taking notes in class
  • Trouble learning a foreign language

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