Red Flags for Reading Difficulties
Excerpts from, “The Dyslexia Puzzle”… (Kaufman and Hook, 1998)
“Characteristics of students with dyslexia change over time, depending on the grade level and/or stage of reading that the individual has reached. The following are some signs of dyslexia at different grade levels:”
Pre K & Kindergarten
- Delay in Talking
- Difficulty recognizing and producing rhymes
- Difficulty remembering rote information, such as letter names
- Difficulty remembering or following directions
Grades 1-3
- Difficulty with sound/symbol correspondence (/a/, as in apple)
- Confusion with letters that look alike ( b/d/p, w/m, h/n, f/t)
- Confusion with letters that have similar sounds ( d/t, b/p, f/v)
- Difficulty remembering common sight words (was, the, and, she)
- Problems segmenting words into sounds (cat – /k/ /a/ /t/)
- Difficulty blending individual sounds to make words
- Reading and spelling errors that indicate difficulty sequencing sounds ( blast -> blats)
- Omission of grammatical endings when reading and writing ( -s, -ed, -ing)
- Difficulty remembering spelling of words over time
Grades 4-8
- Significant difficulty reading and spelling multisyllabic/longer words (Ex. Omits whole syllables)
- Reduced awareness of word structure (prefix, roots, and suffixes)
- Frequent misreading of common sight words
- Difficulty learning new information from text because of word reading errors
- Difficulty understanding text because of underlying oral language problems with vocabulary and/or grammar
- Significant difficulty writing, due to spelling and organization problems
- Slow rate of reading
HS, College, Adult
- Continued difficulty with word recognition that significantly affects acquisition of knowledge and ability to analyze written material
- Slow rate of reading
- Continued difficulty with spelling and written composition
- Difficulty taking notes in class
- Trouble learning a foreign language
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